AFB 821


Robust Lug Design:

  • Lug is designed for excellent grip, high traction abilities, low slip , suitable for many kinds of Agro-Forestry uses.

Reinforced Sidewall:

  • Reinforced sidewall and high turn of plies around strong bead to guarantee minimum impact and perforation.

Special compound equipped with Steel belt:

  • To reduce the risk of tire puncture and cut due to branches, tree stumps or stone, AFB 821 tractor tire has steel belt protection, strong carcass, and puncture resistant compound suitable for Agro Forestry work.

AFB 821

International Standard
US Standard
Size Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference PR & LI/SI Inflation Pressure Recommended load (kg)
Speed (kmph)
SW OD Mixed application
mm mm mm mm bar 10 20 30 40
12.4-24 (SB) (CR) W11 315 1159 531 3480 16PR 130 A8 2.8 2850 2340 2030 1900
13.6-24 (SB) (CR)   W12 345 1210 552 3634 16PR 136 A8 2.8 3360 2760 2400 2240
14.9-24 (SB) (CR)   W13 378 1265 575 3799 16PR 140 A8 2.8 3750 3080 2680 2500
16.9-30 (SB) (CR) W15L 429 1485 679 4459 16PR 149 A8 2.8 4880 4000 3480 3250
18.4-30 (SB) (CR) W16L 467 1552 707 4660 16PR 151 A8 2.8 5180 4240 3690 3450
16.9-34 (SB) (CR)     W15L 429 1587 730 4766 16PR 151 A8 2.8 5180 4240 3690 3450
18.4-34 (SB) (CR) W16L 467 1654 758 4967 16PR 155 A8 2.8 5810 4770 4150 3875
18.4-34 (SB) (CR) W16L 467 1755 808 5270 14 PR 155 A8 2.6 5810 4770 4150 3875
Note: SB-Steel Belted CR-Cut Resistance
Size Rim Alternate Rim Unloaded Dimension Loaded Static Radius Rolling Circumference PR & LI/SI Inflation Pressure Recommended load (lbs)
Speed (mph)
SW OD Mixed application
inch inch inch inch psi 6 12 19 25
12.4-24 (SB) (CR)   W11 12.4 45.6 20.9 137.0 16PR 130 A8 41 6280 5150 4470 4190
13.6-24 (SB) (CR) W12 13.6 47.6 21.8 143.1 16PR 136 A8 41 7400 6080 5290 4930
14.9-24 (SB) (CR) W13 14.9 49.8 22.6 149.6 16PR 140 A8 41 8260 6780 5900 5510
16.9-30 (SB) (CR) W15L 16.9 58.5 26.7 175.6 16PR 149 A8 41 10750 8810 7670 7160
18.4-30 (SB) (CR)   W16L 18.4 61.1 27.8 183.5 16PR 151 A8 41 11410 9340 8130 7600
16.9-34 (SB) CR) W15L 16.9 62.5 28.7 187.6 16PR 151 A8 41 11410 9340 8130 7600
18.4-34 (SB) CR) W16L 18.4 65.1 29.8 195.5 16PR 155 A8 41 12800 10510 9140 8540
18.4-38 (SB) CR) W16L 18.4 69.1 31.8 207.5 14 PR 155 A8 38 12800 10510 9140 8540
Note: SB-Steel Belted CR-Cut Resistance